Background Reading:
What happens to children during and after the rapture?
"The infant will play near the hole of the cobra" -- This is the third verse in a row that affirms the fact that animals will be peaceful during the Millennial Kingdom. The repetition of such a truth should caution the reader against trying to spiritualize the passage. The verse should be read for its literal truth.
It would be considered child endangerment to allow an infant to play near the hole of a cobra during the present age. This tells us that we are not currently living in the Millennial Kingdom. The verse refers to a time yet future when the conditions on earth will be changed. Animals will not pose a danger for men during the Millennial Kingdom.
"and the young child put his hand into the viper's nest" -- The appearance of infants and young children in the Millennial Kingdom demonstrates that humans will be alive during the time of the Millennial Kingdom and will still be having children. The believers that are currently in the church will be raptured before the tribulation and will return to earth during the Millennial Kingdom in their glorified bodies. The people that come to believe during the time of the Great Tribulation and remain alive through the Great Tribulation and will populate the Millennial Kingdom with humans by having children. In Zechariah, chapter 8, we read the following about the Millennial Kingdom:
This is what the LORD Almighty says: "Once again men and women of ripe old age will sit in the streets of Jerusalem, each with cane in hand because of his age. The city streets will be filled with boys and girls playing there." (Zech. 8:4-5)Thus, there will be children born during the time of the Millennial Kingdom and the people living at that time will grow old. Boys and girls will play in the streets of Jerusalem.